The Worsening Problem of Youth Unemployment
Almost 73 million youth worldwide are looking for work and more than 5 million of them live in Europe (ILO). The last 4 years the overall employment rates for young people fell three times as much as for adults. It is also important to stress that within the EU, there is a gap of nearly 50% between the Member State with the lowest rate of youth unemployment (Germany at 7.8%) and with the Member State with the highest rate (Greece at 57.7%). These dramatic figures also concern Spain (54%), Italy (43%) or Portugal (34.8%). In this context of crisis, it is very interesting to refer to the case of a country which is outside the EU: Switzerland. This country boasts a youth unemployment rate of 3.2%. All observers agree that the Swiss apprenticeship system is very effective and efficient and can ensure a competitive workforce trained in precisely the job-skills which are currently in demand. It is in stark contrast with the situation in the EU: more than one in five young European on the labour market cannot find a job. This is why the European Commission decided to urgently implement a complete new programme entitled "Youth Guarantee". This programme should enable young people to find more easily a job suited to their education and skills. The cost is estimated at €21 billion per year. This huge expense should put an end to this terrible mess of youth unemployment. Because if the present trend continues it will undermine the economic growth throughout the continent and even pose a serious threat to society. This programme is of vital importance. However, we must state some of the obvious. First, the countries most concerned will have to relax their rigid labour laws. Then, and even more crucial, we need economic growth to create jobs. There is no employment without growth!
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