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Flash and Facts

18 February 2014

The Cost of Natural Disasters

A survey conducted by Munich-Re - the world's largest reinsurance company- revealed that the natural catastrophes killed more than 20,000 people and cost more than USD 134 billion worldwide in ...

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28 January 2014

Our Life Expectancy

Life expectancy has risen much in the last fifty years and should continue to do so also in the coming decades. Some estimates suggest that almost half of the increase in the average life span in ...

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28 January 2014

An Untenable Situation

Coal could supplant crude-oil as primary energy within 2 or 3 years. The main reason for this: coal is an abundant and quite inexpensive energy resource which appears to be relatively insensitive to ...

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10 January 2014

Here are the new customers

We know that 75% of households in the emerging economies expect a significant increase in their income over the next ten years. But only 40% of households in the developed countries expect such a ...

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10 January 2014

The better-connected Citizens

The development of new technologies and the widespread use of Internet is a key factor for stimulating economic growth. That is even more important in a country with a large population and with a ...

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17 December 2013

Drugs out of Stock

Hospitals and pharmacies in many countries around the world report increasing difficulties, including interruptions, in the supply of medications. How do we explain this worrying phenomenon ? And ...

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17 December 2013

Low Cost Airlines will have to Evolve

Low cost airlines continue to expand worldwide. And the future of conventional airlines will partly depend on the development of their subsidaries in charge of the low cost transport. According to ...

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28 November 2013

Once the Prices become Prohibitive

In the last century the prices of commodities had been cut by half. But, on the contrary, in this first decade of the new century prices increased more than two times! Resource prices during most of ...

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28 November 2013

Retirees: Think Before You Leap

Many people plan to change their lives after retirement. Most of them are not looking for adventure but want to change their ways of life in a pleasant and secure environment. Many reports (Mercer, ...

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7 November 2013

The Slow Death of the Postman

Will the delivery of mail soon be a thing of the past? Many postal services across the world are considering cutting delivery from 6 days a week to 5 or even 3 in order to lower costs as people ...

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